CIC Webinar on BIM - Benchmarking your BIM adoption with the verification of ISO 19650-1 & ISO 19650-2 standards
Recently, there is an increasing interest in ISO 19650 series of standards and how an organisation and her BIM projects can be verified as ISO 19650 complied.
First and second parts of ISO 19650 (ISO 19650-1: 2018 and ISO 19650-2 :2018) have given the users basic concepts and principles of information involved in an asset lifecycle, collaboration between the participants involved in a construction project and the requirements associated to the information management at various stages.
Verification of BIM projects will definitely give the project owner and the parties involved in the supply chain a high confidence on how the information be managed in the BIM Modelling and related works. It can also benefit the BIM practitioners to upgrade their quality standard in BIM Modelling and related works.
Content of the webinar (Information provided by vendor): PART 1: Reason to go for ISO 19650 verification and how to prepare for it? Speaker: Mr. Kevin WONG, BIM Manager of Wings & Associates Consulting Engineers Limited
Wings & Associates Consulting Engineers Limited is an engineering consultant firm using BIM application in government projects. In this webinar, they will share their experience in preparing the ISO 19650-1 and ISO 19650-2 standards verification from the following perspectives: - Why ISO 19650 verified? - What are the benefits? - How to prepare the verification?
PART 2: Key points in ISO 19650-1 and ISO 19650-2 verification with case sharing Speaker: Mr. Thomas MA, Project Manager of SGS
Mr. Thomas MA will highlight some key points that you must not miss by sharing his experience in auditing different types of BIM Projects managed by overseas Main Contractor & local BIM consultant, including design and construction of highways, water dam, walking trails and buildings.
Details: Date: 10 November 2021 (Wed) Time: 16:30 - 17:30 Format: Webinar Fee: Free of Charge Language: Chinese (Cantonese)
Speakers: - Mr. Kevin WONG, BIM Manager of Wings & Associates Consulting Engineers Limited - Mr. Thomas MA, Project Manager of SGS
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Speakers' Profile: About Mr. Kevin WONG Mr. Kevin S.C. WONG had over 20 years BIM experience in Civil and Structural design in large scaled projects in Hong Kong. As the Chairman of HKIBIM, he possesses strong passion on promoting BIM for construction industry. He is currently BIM Manager of Wings & Associates Consulting Engineers Ltd. and part-time lecturer for BIM education of many government and education institutions in Hong Kong.
About Mr. Thomas MA In last two decades, Mr. Thomas MA had conducted quality management system and asset management system audits over 1500 construction sites covering projects from foundation, site formation, slope maintenance, construction of buildings, infrastructures, and underground utilities, to maintenance of buildings and building services. He has conducted couple of ISO 19650-1 and ISO 19650-2 verification audits for Hong Kong and overseas projects since March 2020.
