CIC Webinar on BIM Solution Day–Power of integrated digital construction platform by Trimble Connect (只提供英文版本)






15:30 - 17:00










The "BIM Solution Day" aims at promoting the latest BIM-related solutions to stakeholders. Every time, we have a different theme to introduce stakeholders about the latest solutions in a particular area.

We are glad to have the participation of CivilConnect Limited.


 Self Photos / Files - CIVILCONNECT Logo with company name [Converted]      Self Photos / Files - Trimble-Connect-Horizontal-Large-RGB


Content of the webinar (Information provided by vendor):

With 17 Million+ users around the world in 185 Countries, Trimble Connect allow you to work anytime, anywhere and from any device – it’s at your fingertips. You are always working with reliable and accurate information. Trimble Connect can be used in different phases of workflows, such as design coordination and review, on-site and off-site communication, and when managing activities and tasks during the entire project. You can share 3D models, drawings, and other documentation: View, review, reference and archive with revision history. Trimble Connect has easy-to-use user interfaces for desktop and mobile (both iOS and Android) and even on both Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Realty (AR) devices enable practitioners to prepare the works in "Metaverse" during pandemic. The platform helps you maintain control over changes thanks to constant collaboration, so that costly rework caused by outdated information becomes an inconvenience of the past.



Mr. Kevin WONG, Director of CivilConnect Limited, Trimble Authorized Reseller in Hong Kong


Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Julia LI (email:; tel: 3199 7274).


Remarks: An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to participants with over 80% attendance within one month after the live webinar. Any attendance on replay sessions after webinar will not be considered for CPD attendance certificate.

Please use full name as your i-Club profile name for issuing the CPD attendance certificate. To edit your profile, please click here.

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最後更新: 2022-02-21 17:00:21