
CIC Webinar On SketchUp & Tekla 2025 Lasted BIM, AI and Other Features Boosting Industry Efficiency (只提供英文版本)
26/03/2025 | 15:30 - 16:30
Construction Digitalisation Webinar aims to promote the latest construction digitalisation-related information to stakeholders. Every time, we have a different theme to introduce stakeholders about the latest information or solutions in a particular area. We are glad to have the participation of Trimble to introduce their solution. Outline of the webinar (information provided by vendor): Trimble is an innovative software & hardware technology company. Its SketchUp and Tekla are world popular 3D design & BIM modeling software for designers and engineers. With their expanded product ecosystem and Trimble Scan-to-BIM, BIM-to-field, AR/MR/VR, performance-based sustainable design, and Trimble Connect CDE Solutions, this advanced workflow has already successfully delivered numerous noticeable projects across the APAC region. Now with their latest release of many new features, especially AI powered features, they could further boost industry efficiency and transform the way the world works! Speaker: Mr. Leo ZHANG, Customer Success Manager of Trimble AECO APAC Indirect Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Julia LI (email: dthub@cic.hk). Remarks: An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to participants with over 80% attendance within one month after the live webinar. Any attendance on replay sessions after webinar will not be considered for CPD attendance certificate. Replay video is now exclusive for i-Club members, please click here to join i-Club.

CD Talks:2024年建造業議會數碼化大獎 - 項目得獎者分享
28/03/2025 | 15:00 – 16:30
CD Talks (Construction Digitalisation Talks)是一個網絡研討會系列,旨在匯聚具有遠見的行業專家、思想領袖和具有前瞻性的實踐者,探討和分享他們將數碼化應用於建築項目的經驗。CD Talks將深入探討建築數碼化的最新趨勢、最佳實踐和成功案例。 今年的主題將是「2024年建造業議會數碼化大獎 - 得獎者分享」。 備註:在直播時段出席率達80%以上的參加者將會在網上研討會結束後一個月內收到電子出席證書。任何重溫時段的出席率將不會計算在內。 重播影片現在只供i-Club會員觀看,請按此處加入i-Club。 如有查詢,請與蔡小姐(電郵: bim@cic.hk ; 電話: 2100 9034)聯絡。

誠邀參與「空間數據共享平台大獎 2025」
香港特別行政區政府發展局地理空間實驗室誠意邀請各界參與「空間數據共享平台大獎 2025 - 共創北部空間,共享都會數據」。建造業議會作為是次活動的生態夥伴單位,旨在鼓勵業界運用空間數據,探索如何為北部都會區的發展提出創新建議,並發掘空間數據在城市發展中的重要角色,以共同建設一個更智慧、更宜居的香港。 參與「空間數據共享平台大獎 2025」,您將有機會: * 運用創新思維探索北部都會區的發展潛力 * 透過空間數據發掘城市發展的新機遇 * 建立空間數據應用的專業知識 * 連結業界專才,實現創新構思 為協助各界更有效參與大獎,活動亦將舉辦「空間數據工作坊」,內容涵蓋空間數據共享平台入門網站介紹、空間數據結構、數據可視化及空間分析技巧等,助您掌握參賽所需的關鍵技能。 「空間數據共享平台大獎 2025」報名及提交作品的最後限期為 2025 年 5 月 17 日(香港時間晚上 11:59)。 立即探索空間數據的無限可能,與我們一同共建智慧香港的未來! 了解更多:https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/upcoming-events/csdi-awards-2025 立即報名:6777 6786