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Webinar for "Plug-in Tools for Floor Areas Calculation Checking in General Building Plan (GBP) Submission using BIM" (只提供英文版本)

31/07/2024 | 15:30 - 16:30

To facilitate checking of different floor areas in digital general building plans (GBP) in Building Information Modelling (BIM) format, the Buildings Department (BD) and the Lands Department (LandsD) have jointly commissioned a consultant to develop a common area calculation methodology and plug-in tools of two native BIM software (i.e. REVIT and ArchiCAD) to streamline the data extraction and conduct automated checking of floor areas against the requirements under the Buildings Ordinance and lease conditions (the BIM Area Tool*).The BIM Area Tool, which may also serve as a design review tool, saves time and manpower in verifying numerical accuracy and in updating and rechecking when amendments to the design are required, thereby enhancing quality and certainty of the submissions.In this webinar, representatives from BD and LandsD will brief you on the key features of the BIM Area Tool and demonstrate how the created automation could make the complicated calculation process easy, dispensing with going through a mountain of detailed requirements in regulations/practice notes. They will also introduce the BIM Area Tool's smart functions for automated parameter input, data quality check and batch import of computation results to facilitate the preparation of calculation sheets for GBP submission.Members with job duties involving GBP submission to BD and LandsD should not miss this opportunity to equip yourself with better knowledge on this newly developed BIM Area Tool. *The BIM Area Tool is available in BD Website and LandsD Website for free download and use. Attendees are encouraged to download the tool and template for trial and view the relevant video guides before the webinar. Speakers: Representatives from Buildings Department and the Lands Department Should you have any queries, please contact Mr. FUNG (email: Remarks: An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to participants with over 80% attendance within one month after the live webinar. Any attendance on replay sessions after webinar will not be considered for CPD attendance certificate. Replay video is now exclusive for i-Club members, please click here to join i-Club.
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08/08/2024 | 09:30 – 12:30

為進一步促進建造數碼化,推廣數碼分身在建造業的應用,建造業議會(議會)於九龍灣MegaBox設立建造業議會數碼分身中心。 數碼分身是現實世界實體和流程的虛擬分身,以特定的頻率和擬真度與現實世界進行同步更新。全新的講座及工作坊旨在讓參與者了解數碼分身的概念、其好處以及在項目生命週期不同階段的應用。 數碼分身講座及工作坊 導賞團 – 數碼分身技術的實際應用及智慧工地安全系統(SSSS)的技術展示 講座 – 項目和組織中採用建築信息模擬(BIM)的準備工作 互動工作坊 – 建築信息模擬檢視器 (備註:未來數月將舉辦更多同類型講座。) 本次活動適合所有對學習數碼分身技術感興趣的人士參加。立即登記數碼分身講座及工作坊,讓您在不斷發展的建築行業中保持領先地位。 參與是次活動可獲3小時持續專業發展時數,電子出席證書將會於活動後一個月內以電郵形式發放予出席者。電子出席證書上的名字會使用報名表的登記名字作依據。 如有查詢,請與蔡小姐聯絡 (電郵:; 電話: 2100 9034) 。
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議會網上研討會CD Talks:2023香港建造業CDE-綜合數碼共用平台大獎 - 機構類別優勝者分享

02/08/2024 | 15:00 – 16:00

CD Talks (Construction Digitalisation Talk)是一個全新的網絡研討會系列,旨在匯聚具有遠見的行業專家、思想領袖和具有前瞻性的實踐者,探討和分享他們將數碼化應用於建築項目的經驗。CD Talks將深入探討建築數碼化的最新趨勢、最佳實踐和成功案例。 今年的主題將是「2023香港建造業CDE-綜合數碼共用平台大獎 - 機構類別得獎者分享」。 主題及講者: 備註:在直播時段出席率達80%以上的參加者將會在網上研討會結束後一個月內收到電子出席證書。任何重溫時段的出席率將不會計算在內。 重播影片現在只供i-Club會員觀看,請按此處加入i-Club。 如有查詢,請與蔡小姐(電郵: ; 電話: 2100 9034)聯絡。
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22/08/2024 | 14:30-17:30

為進一步促進建造數碼化,推廣數碼分身在建造業的應用,建造業議會(議會)於九龍灣MegaBox設立建造業議會數碼分身中心。 數碼分身是現實世界實體和流程的虛擬分身,以特定的頻率和擬真度與現實世界進行同步更新。全新的講座及工作坊旨在讓參與者了解數碼分身的概念、其好處以及在項目生命週期不同階段的應用。 數碼分身講座及工作坊 導賞團 – 數碼分身技術的實際應用及智慧工地安全系統(SSSS)的技術展示 講座 – 項目和組織中採用建築信息模擬(BIM)的準備工作 互動工作坊 – 建築信息模擬檢視器 (備註:未來數月將舉辦更多同類型講座。) 本次活動適合所有對學習數碼分身技術感興趣的人士參加。立即登記數碼分身講座及工作坊,讓您在不斷發展的建築行業中保持領先地位。 參與是次活動可獲3小時持續專業發展時數,電子出席證書將會於活動後一個月內以電郵形式發放予出席者。電子出席證書上的名字會使用報名表的登記名字作依據。 如有查詢,請與蔡小姐聯絡 (電郵:; 電話: 2100 9034) 。