[已滿] BIM Advanced Workshop: How to improve BIM coordination with leveraging issues tracking inside of Navisworks & Revit (只提供英文版本)
14:30 – 17:30
九龍灣宏照道38號企業廣場5期 (MegaBox) 2座29樓
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The CIC BIM Advanced Workshop aims at enhancing practitioners' BIM skill level by providing hands-on opportunities on different BIM related software. This time, we are pleased to have isBIM Limited in supporting our BIM Advanced Workshop.
Content of the workshop (Information provided by vendor):
Learning how to navigate and use another BIM software is, let's be honest, a major learning curve. What if you could track and respond to your issues directly inside of Navisworks & Revit? Optimize your design and constructability communication with BIM Track. It will share the optimal issue resolution workflow, working with maximal context in your day-to-day software. See how simple it is to:
- Create BIM Track issues directly from your Navisworks clashes.
- View and respond to assigned issues within Revit.
- Manage Revit and Navisworks Viewpoints in the cloud.
- Create issues in Revit.
- Automatically generate issue and clash spheres in Revit, Navisworks or Viewer.
- Share project issues, viewpoints, and models with project stakeholders using just a browser.
- Obtain single-click project metrics & reports for Design Review Reporting.
Mr. Rex LAU, Director of isBIM Limited
An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to qualified participants after the workshop.
For registration, please send email to bimspace@cic.hk and state with your preferred workshop date, name, organisation, contact number and email address. Please feel free to contact Ms. LI at 3199 7274 for any enquiry.
Confirmation email will be sent upon successful registration.
最後更新: 2021-07-15 15:51:15