

Reference Materials of BIM Harmonisation for Digital Hong Kong
This document aims to identify appropriate additional information requirements of BIM models for reference by the industry (both public and private sectors), and in support of Government’s initiative of developing Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) and Smart City and to satisfy the use cases identified in the Report on 3D Spatial and BIM Data Use Case Requirements of the Hong Kong Construction Industry published by the CIC in 2021.

Cover CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 Booklet
2021 建造业议会数码化大奖特刊
建造业议会(议会)举办首届「2021 建造业议会数码化 大奖」,表扬利用创新数码化技术提高建造生产力、质量、可持续性和安全性的杰 出本地项目及机构。 奖项分为「项目」及「机构」两大类別,共收到 120 个申请。「机构」细分为六个组別,包 括客户(政府、公共客户、发展商)、顾问、A 类承建商、B 类承建商、培训/研究机构及初创企业。 共 23 个得奖队伍通过严格评审程序脱颖而出,大奖特刊辑录其数码化转型的经验及成功故事。