

Reference Materials of BIM Harmonisation for Digital Hong Kong
This document aims to identify appropriate additional information requirements of BIM models for reference by the industry (both public and private sectors), and in support of Government’s initiative of developing Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) and Smart City and to satisfy the use cases identified in the Report on 3D Spatial and BIM Data Use Case Requirements of the Hong Kong Construction Industry published by the CIC in 2021.

Construction Digitalisation Roadmap (只提供英文版本)
To lead Hong Kong's construction industry into a new digital era, the Construction Industry Council has worked with key industry stakeholders to prepare the Roadmap. The vision is set – SMART Construction Empowered by Digitalisation: all processes involved in the built asset lifecycle are streamlined and digitalised to continuously improve productivity and safety during planning, design, construction and operation, and sustainability for better quality of life.