Building Information Modelling Appeal Board

Chairperson - Ir CHAN Chi-chiu, SBS


  • Ir Albert CHENG Ting-ning
  • Ir Alice CHOW Kin-tak
  • Sr Dr. Stephen LAI Yuk-fai, JP
  • Ar. Felix LI Kwok-hing
  • Ir Kelvin WONG Ka-wo


Terms of Reference

  1. To review the appeal against decision made by BIM Certification and Accreditation Board (BIMCAB) for application or complaint cases, taking into account the relevant documentation, in order to reach a reasonable and independent decision;
  2. To set up the operational framework of BIMAB;
  3. To make a decision to request the BIMCAB for reassessment of the appellant under appeal review; and
  4. To report to the Council if it considers that the issue requires the attention of the Council.

Last Update: 2024-05-09 16:46:28