
This page acts as a noticeboard for upcoming BIM or Construction Digitalisation related events in Hong Kong. If your organisation would like to publicise your BIM or Construction Digitalisationrelated events via this page, please send an email with heading "BIM Portal – Your Company Name" to at least 3 months in advance.
Please provide the following in the email:
- your contact details
- background of your company
- names and details of the event (within 400 English words)
- attach a photo of the event
- a link to your events for details
CIC would not make any change in the received contents.
We reserve the right to accept or reject the events we received from your organisation and make changes on this website without prior notice.
The Events promulgate in this website are to facilitate wider adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Hong Kong. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) is acting as a communication platform for sharing up-to-date BIM information with industry partners. You should carefully consider the appropriateness of the information contributed by individual BIM practitioner and the suitability for applying and attending the courses, seminars, forums, etc. The CIC shall not accept any liability for loss or damage of occurring as a consequence of reliance by users in whatever form of the information published and executed other than CIC.
Last Update: 2023-02-27 09:12:58