Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020

List of Winners
BIM Projects 2020 Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) BIM Adoption and Sustainable BIM FM Platform for Shanghai Street 618 Preservation and Revitalisation BIM Horizontal Harmonization for BIM/GIS Integration# Central Market Revitalisation Project Construction of Building Information Model and Asset Information Inputting for EMSD Headquarters# Contract 3801 - APM and BHS Tunnels on Existing Airport Island Digital Twin for HKUST Campus# DSD Contract DC/2018/05 - Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns – Site Preparation and Access Tunnel Construction First Stage of Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant Global Switch Data Centre (Design and Build) Heritage Information Modelling of Peak Police Station# Housing Authority BIM Standards and Guidelines# InnoCell Kai Tak Sports Park Neuron: AI smart building platform# RFID-Enabled Building Information Modeling (BIM) Platform for Prefabrication Housing Production in Hong Kong# Three-Runway System (3RS) #Non-construction project BIM Organisations 2020 Advanced Construction Information Development Limited AECOM Airport Authority Hong Kong Architectural Services Department, HKSARG Arup Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China Gammon Construction Limited Global Virtual Design and Construction Limited Hong Kong Housing Authority Ronald Lu & Partners Strategic Building Innovation (SBI) • bimSCORE The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST BIM Lab) Vircon Limited WSP Hong Kong Limited Yau Lee Construction Company Limited BIMers 2020 and *Young BIMers 2020 Ir Steve CHAN Dr. Calvin KEUNG Ir Ken MAO Ir Dr. Llewellyn TANG Mr. Billy WONG Mr. Kevin WONG Mr. Froky WONG Ms. Michelle CHOI* Ir Owen LEE* Mr. TSOI Cheung-faat* Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020 - Winners' Booklet Photo Album Watch Recorded Ceremony Video

CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 Launching Ceremony and Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020
The CIC Construction Digitalisation Award aims to recognize outstanding local projects and local organisations for their contribution in the promotion and adoption of digitalisation in the industry. The Launching Ceremony will announce the Award details and accept applications officially.The Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020 will announce the winners, recognize and share the achievements of organisations and practitioners on BIM with stakeholders.Date: 10 Nov 2020 (Tue)Time: 14:30 - 16:15Format: Webinar Language: Cantonese An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to the qualified participants after the webinar. Photo Album

Celebration Details

Briefing Webinar on Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020 and Highlight of CIC’s BIM Journey
After a golden harvest in CIC BIM Year 2019, let us celebrate our BIM achievements in the last few years as we venture into 2020 with the advent of a new BIM decade in Hong Kong. Three categories of achievement will be celebrated and recognised by the Construction Industry Council (CIC). They are:(1) BIM Projects 2020 (2) BIM Organisations 2020 (3) BIMers 2020 [Note: "BIM" in CIC's context includes BIM, digital construction, and its related technologies, etc. in the construction industry.]The celebration aims to inspire organisations and practitioners to continually be creative, innovative, transformative or disruptive in bringing BIM to its full potential, by recognising and sharing their achievements with all stakeholders. Although each category of achievement has its own merit and assessment criteria, all categories share the same key ingredients of vision and mission in BIM, achievements, lessons learned, contribution and impact to the construction industry in Hong Kong.This webinar will launch the Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020 and introduce the details, including the objectives, eligibility, application requirement and judging criteria, etc. You are cordially invited to attend the webinar to prepare for the application of the celebration.Also, we will give you a highlight of CIC’s BIM Journey by updating you what we are doing as a BIM solution hub and the support providing in five key areas, including adoption and promotion, training, standards and guidelines, certification and accreditation, and R&D and funding support. Date: 12 Aug 2020 (Wed)Time: 16:00 - 17:00Language: EnglishFee: Free of ChargeFormat: WebinarSpeakers:Ar. Ada FUNG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM of CIC Mr. Alex HO, Senior Manager – BIM of CICApply now if you are passionate about promoting and adopting BIM, achieved important and recognised milestones of BIM in your organisation, projects, education or research, etc. Tell us your story, and your footprints would be registered in the history of BIM development in Hong Kong.Watch Recorded Webinar VideoShould you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. WONG at / 2100 9034.

Application Form
Applicants must complete and submit the application form together with supplementary information via email to on or before the application deadline, 13 October 2020. Details of the submission can be found on the application form.

BIM Projects 2020 The submitted BIM project or research must be implemented in Hong Kong within 1 January 2018 to 31 October 2020. BIM Organisations 2020 Project owners (clients), developers, consultants, contractors, research or education institutions, and training service providers are accepted for participation.The participating organisation must have an office in Hong Kong. BIMers 2020 Participant needs to have at least two years of practical experience in BIM in past five years (with at least six months stationed in Hong Kong). Participants who is below 30 will be celebrated as Young BIMers 2020.