CIC BIM software-specific User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
Note that "Guidelines for using Building Information Modelling in Statutory Plan Submissions (other than General Building Plan) 2023”(Guidelines) has been published by the Buildings Department (BD) in May 2023, which is available at The Guidelines and its associated Sample Drawings, BIM Objects Presentation Summary, Sample Models and Software Templates are available in BD's website which supersede the previous publications in the "CIC BIM Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions (December 2020)" published by the CIC.
To support the above Guidelines promulgated by the BD, in particular the software-specific templates, an update version of BIM software-specific User Guides has been published by the CIC. There is a total of four (4) BIM software-specific User Guides, each of them contains step by step procedures and demonstrates the feasibility of preparing one or multiple specific statutory plans using BIM for submissions to the BD. Meanwhile, this set of BIM software-specific User Guides supersedes the previous publications in the "CIC BIM Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions (December 2020)" published by the CIC. The CIC encourages the industry to develop more BIM software-specific user guides for reference by practitioners.
The BIM software-specific User Guides are issued as reference materials for reference by the industry, we welcome any feedback, please email to