CIC BIM Standards Stakeholders Consultation Seminar (Briefing of the first draft of BIM Standards of Statutory Plan Submission)


9 April 2019 (Tuesday)






Cantonese (Presentation material in English)



Multi-purpose room, G/F, HKIC Kowloon Bay Campus, 44 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong



Representative of CIC and its consultant



60 pax for each seminar


Application Deadline:

7 April 2019 (Sunday)

Please fill in the e-form and email to for registration

In January and March 2019, we have organised four briefing and stakeholders consultation sessions on the development principles of the BIM Standards of Statutory Plan Submission. Comments and feedback were well received. After reviewed in the meeting of the CIC Task Force on BIM Standards (Phase 2), the approach and the direction of the first draft of the BIM Standards for Phase A* have been finalised.

*Phase A:

1) Superstructure Plans

2) Foundation Plans

3) Demolition Plan (included Hoarding)

To ensure the standards could meet the industry needs, we are organising the following two sessions of "BIM Standards Stakeholders Consultation Seminars" to walk through the approach and direction of the first draft for Phase A and collect your views. Details of the seminars are as follows:


Content / Rundown:

  1. Basic Framework of the BIM Standards for
    a. Superstructure Plans;
    b. Foundation Plans;
    c. Demolition Plan (included Hoarding).
  2. Key Items to be reviewed:
    a. Level of Development (LOD);
    b. Graphical Information vs Non-graphical Information;
    c. Preview of Plans presentation style


Target Audience:

- Professionals participated in projects administered under Building Ordinance: AP/RSE/RGE;
- Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO) industry practitioners who have experience in Statutory Plan Submission or Statutory Plan Preparations;
- BIM practitioners;
- Building Professionals in Hong Kong construction industry.



Interested parties, please fill in the e-form and email to titled "For Statutory Plan Submission Seminars".

A separate email will be sent to you to confirm your enrollment by 8 April 2019.


Enquires: Should you have any queries, please contact Mr. Lok Fung (email:; tel: 21009649).