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建造業議會建造數碼化入門指南 – 中小企採用建築信息模擬 (設有英文版本)
《建造業議會建造數碼化入門指南 – 中小企採用建築信息模擬》旨在促進中小型企業在其項目及組織中採用建築信息模擬 (BIM)。 此入門指南希望幫助中小型企業了解在建築項目中採用 BIM 的價值,提供有關如何準備採用 BIM 的基本信息,包括建立 BIM 團隊以及滿足項目需求的硬件和軟件要求等等 。

CIC Beginner’s Guide on Construction Digitalisation – Adoption of BIM in Small and Medium Enterprises
CIC Beginner's Guide on Construction Digitalisation – Adoption of BIM in Small and Medium Enterprises aims at facilitating SMEs in adopting Building Information Modelling (BIM) in their projects and organisation. This Beginner's Guide is developed to assist SMEs in understanding the values of adopting BIM in construction projects, and provide fundamental information on how to prepare for BIM adoption, including setting up a BIM team and the hardware and software requirements to satisfy project needs.